Saturday, August 14, 2010

News news :D

Hello people! Gosh, this blog is dying. Have no fear, Hanan is here! (Har har I know, I'm lamee) Anyways, Carnival Day is waaaay over and it was a blast! And we did a lot better than last year. Mmmm, July test is over and right now we have to prepare ourselves for the FINAL EXAM. And I can't believe next year we might not be in the same class anymore, because of streaming! I am so gonna miss 2 Fasih 2010 like shit.

Oh, Mr Simon is no longer teaching us. He is now studying at Sunway, becoming a doctor. All the best yeah? So now our new class teacher is Cik Shida. Anddd we have a new Science teacher, Puan Nuha. It is just me or I feel like our class is always getting temporary and new teachers? Hmmmm.

I guess that's it for now. Before I ciao, I want to say Good Luck to the PMR and SPM candidates. And also Happy Fasting to all muslims. (:
And study hard peeps, because, once again, FINAL EXAM is coming.
Hanan NS