Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Since its SOOO long no one updated ,

So.. I must well update lorh .

Ok , Let see what happened this few days .

Hm..last week we watched a film named Coraline .

I thought it was named Button people . ( Lame , I know )

I checked it out on Wiki , Aaand..

The main character is Dakota Fanning as Coraline,

Its a 2009 Oscar-nominated American stop-motion 3D horror fantasy film,

Its available in Novel version too,

And directed by Henry Selick .

This is their page = http://www.coraline.com/

Trailer = http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XyUwEO7xelY&NR=1&feature=fvwp

We watched another show today ,

Phantom Of the Opera ,

It was INTERESTING . ( If you know what I mean :P )

Next ,

NEWS FLASH for yesterday .

Our beloved assistant monitor fainted .

She's okay , but she gets to ponteng 1 day !!! :(

And those who are joining the Chinese Society singing competition ,

Good Luck !!!!

Thats all for today ,

Leave this blog for the others to update :P .


Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The March Outing ( again ) xD

Its on the 19th of March, Friday :D
The other details are the same as below (:

Saturday, March 6, 2010

The Outing is CANCELLED people !

I am very super duper really reaaaally sorry about the sudden change of plans,
But 80% percent of the class can't go tomorrow, so its cancelled.
March holidays instead.
Spread the word please and thank you. (:

Thursday, March 4, 2010

The exams are finally over :'D & March Birthdays (:

Now the torturing has ended, it's time for the outing
The details are as we discussed in class yesterday ;

Day / Date : Sunday / 7th March
Time : 1:00 p.m.
Place : Sunway Pyramid
Meeting Place : Starbucks (old wing)

Reminders ;
-Bring your own money, the class fund is for the party at the end of the year.
-We might go for a movie/bowling ice skating, plans keep changing.
-Need I say this? -.- The dressing is casual wear. Not school uniforms.
-Have at least 2 classmates phone numbers in your cell, call them if you can't find us.
-We will only wait until 1:30 p.m. If you're coming late, call one of us.
-You can go back anytime you want.

P.S : This has NOTHING to do with the school. It's just some classmates getting together to do an outing. Please do not call the SCHOOL to complain.

Note : Try to come, move your tuition/class/practice/rehearsal/whatever for another day or something if can. Thank you (:

By the way ; The birthday thingy is done by me (gahhh, lots of mistakes, I know, post in cbox your real birthday (if its wrong) and I'll fix it as soon as possible.

Oh last note : Questions, ask us in school. Or Cbox.

Happy Birthday : Hui Wen, Adeline, Sze Ee & Erwin !
Blow those candles and we all wish you a (wet >:D) wonderful birthday (:

Di-type-kan by,
Amelia ;D